Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Five Common Myths about Happiness

We all believe in happiness, but often our beliefs are false. Happiness is associated with many false beliefs. Here are some of the most common ones, which are likely to be present in your life. Once you understand these happiness myths, you can begin to deal with them, becoming happier.

1. Happiness depends on time

Do you expect happiness to come in your life? Will it come after retirement? Or when you get a new job? Or when you get married? Or divorce maybe? People often wait for the coming of happiness. They struggle with the bad things in their life, and hope that in the end good fortune will come.

Happiness does not depend on time. There is no such period of time, when the happiness comes. Simple existence for ten, a hundred, a thousand, a million years is not enough to be happy. It is an illusion to think that at some point in the future you will be happy. You can be happy now, but can not be happy someday. Someday never comes.

2. Happiness depends on events

If you were asked about what makes you happy, you would probably name some event. Events come and go, but they do not bring happiness. Marriage, work, holidays… But did they make you truly happy? Have you ever been unhappy during these events? If so, then it proves that happiness comes from another source.

3. Happiness depends on wealth

Wealth is good since it makes life more comfortable. It can be fun, but it does not bring happiness. To some extent, everyone is aware of this, but most people still live with the belief that material values ​​are the basis of happiness. You can say that “money does not bring happiness”, but deep inside, you will probably still feel that a certain amount of happiness has to do with money.

In reality, if you can not be happy now, material properties will not make you happy. The truth is that happiness and wealth are not connected to each other.

4. Happiness comes from outside sources

You may have noticed that the first three myths are associated with external factors. Many external factors can help achieve happiness, but the true happiness comes from within. It is true that a good relationship can bring happiness, but above all you must be happy within yourself. Have you ever been unhappy next to a good person? Even family can be a source of unhappiness. If you cannot create happiness inside you, then you can not get it from outside sources.

5. Fighting bad things brings happiness

Bad things happen every day. Most people struggle with them. This means that they get upset, experience stress and express negative emotions. You can deal with the bad things in your life, but the struggle against evil does not create good. Drawing attention to the bad moments does not contribute to one’s happiness. Happiness depends on how you appreciate your good moments.

You always have a choice. You can pay attention to your troubles and fight them, or you can focus on the good moments in your life. Most often, we choose the first option. We discuss and complaint about bad things, which does not lead to happiness. Instead of thinking about bad things, just enjoy the good ones.

By the way, unhappiness, in turn, is also subject to these myths. Many believe that it comes from external sources, as well as happiness. But it comes from you and not from your boss, your relationship, your broken car or whatever… No one but you are responsible for your psychological state.


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