Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hospitals Love To Serve Overcooked GMO Slop To Sick Patients

Food, far beyond any type of medicine, is the most relevant and effective way to nurture strong and healthy bodies. Frozen, unappetizing, nutritionally deficient, toxin-loaded, and GMO containing platters are not the path to healing. So why do hospitals insist on serving their patients these types of foods?

For starters, hospital food services are centralized in many cities that partner with specific companies that cater to these services. That means the cheapest most effective way to get the food from its unprepared state to its prepared state is the rule of thumb.

While most hospitals do consider the multitude of factors involved in dietary specifics relating to a patient's condition such as if a patient is on solid, minced, pureed food, or if the patient lactose intolerant or on a low-sodium or gluten-free diet, they don't however, consider food quality at all. The choices are extremely limited.

Much of the food that is eventually served to patients arrives frozen at central kitchens, some of it having been specially prepared for facilities, but most of the food is substandard and what could even be considered fast food, prepackaged, processed and even fried.

This occurs all over the world, whether healthcare is private or public. Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, the U.S. and many countries in Europe all have the same problems within their hospital kitchens which cater to this very negligent mentality relating to food for the sick.

All hospitals generally serve GMO corn, GMO soy, GMO zucchini/squash, foods made primarily with GMO Canola oil, as well as factory farmed meat and eggs from antibiotic, vaccinated and medicated animals. There are absolutely no precautions taken on harmful oils, preservatives, artificial flavors/sweeteners, sugars, colors or toxic emulsifiers that make up binding agents and sauces. If there was any nutritional value left in these foods, they are overcooked so that any remaining nutrients are eliminated. The result is slop. Take a look at some of these pictures for a visual:

For some of the meals, it's difficult to even identify what type of food is being served. How many toxins are floating around among these platters? I would estimate that from the perspective of nutrient density, more than 90% of the above foods have little to no nutritional value.

Some of the above images were extracted from a popular blog on the Hospital Food Bingo board a hospital patient has put on his website.

Along with the pictures, the patient, who identifies himself only at 'Traction Man' provides a daily review of the dishes he is served.

Here are some of his entries:

"yesterday's offering plumbed new depths of culinary ineptitude. The macaroni cheese could have doubled as wallpaper paste."

"And as for the potato - let's not even go there. However, my opprobrium is reserved for the treacle suet pudding and custard."

"I don't know whether the chef used an industrial hardener or simply drove out the moisture with a flamethrower but it was the most inedible lump of carbohydrate ever to be passed off as a dessert."

"The entree tends to be uniform beige. Most of the vegetables need to go in a spin dryer before you get to eat them - they are that wet."

"As for the puddings, the jam roly poly takes the cake. It certainly tastes like it's been rolled - right across the kitchen floor."

"Some of the responses to my food postings have been hilarious. People legitimately cannot guess what some of the meals are."

Only One Solution

Food is our life force. We need it to live, grow and thrive. We need it as fuel and healing sources for our bodies. We need to pay more attention to what we give sick patients that need to heal, not from medications, but from food. Food is our medicine and health policy in hospitals needs to reflect this principal. Those in the phases of healing need high levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats to facilitate recovery. This comes primarily from a raw plant-based diet filled with fresh nutrient dense greens, fruits and veggies. Although I am a strong advocate of eaters for health, in my experience with hospital patients, they do not heal as quickly if animal products are introduced in the early phases of recovery. If you ever require a post-operative or overnight stay at a hospital that involves you receiving any meals, the solution is to bring your own food, herbals and filtered water. Pack up the hospital food on your exit, bring it home, put it in your blender, liquefy it and use it as a deterrent for rodents and insects in the darkest crevasses of your home. They will either avoid that area or consume it and die quickly.


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